Web Apps built from scratch rarely aren’t Multi-Tenant; the debate only comes up with legacy software vendors migrating to SaaS and trying to justify their cutting corners. This post was originally written in 2009 and – while still very relevant – I suggest you also read this post for a more up-to-date take on the Business Architecture […]
Actionable Business Intelligence at your fingertips
Originally published on October 18, 2007 You probably capture a lot of data in your web or SaaS app, but how often do you mine that data for Actionable Business Intelligence; information you can use to solve business problems, such as slumping revenue, high client turnover, etc? It might be time to stop everything else […]
Fallout from Enterprise SaaS Series
Originally published on March 10, 2007 I have received an amazing amount of feedback on the Enterprise SaaS series; just about everyone who read it has contacted me with mostly positive comments, but usually someone has at least one concern. I am going to try to address all of their concerns at one time. Hybrid […]
Pureplay Enterprise SaaS and Vendor Sustainability – Overview and Part 4
Originally published on March 9, 2007 This series is to help Enterprise SaaS vendors with two potentially business-stopping problems; scalability and sustainability. I am attempting to address both the real-life objections seen in Fortune 1000 enterprises when selling a SaaS solution and some ways to work around them. This series is also meant to get […]
Pureplay Enterprise SaaS and Vendor Sustainability – Part 3
Originally published on March 9, 2007 After overcoming all of the objections in your control: existence, reliability, support, and scalability, you must now overcome the objections that are not in your control. These are the real show stoppers and come from not understanding your target market. The SaaS industry obviously agrees that SaaS is the […]
Pureplay Enterprise SaaS and Vendor Sustainability – Part 2
Originally published on March 7, 2007 Starting a software company from scratch, on-premises or SaaS, is no small task. The barriers to entry into the Enterprise software market are significant to say the least. To top it off, there are a number of things that can hinder adoption of your solution in large corporations, putting […]
Pureplay Enterprise SaaS and Vendor Sustainability – Part 1
Originally published on March 6, 2007 The definition of Pureplay SaaS is where the SaaS vendor offers a completely hosted system with the customer needing nothing more than a standard PC with normal input devices to take full advantage of the offering. If you live in the blogosphere, you might think that SaaS is ubiquitous […]