The Difference between Customer Success and Account Management

Customer Success is not Account Management. In fact, there are 9 things Customer Success is not, and Account Management is one of those things. Traditional Account Management is old, outdated, and will hurt your relationship with your customers while failing to help them achieve their Dequired Outcome. But I’m getting ahead of myself… let’s dig […]

The Secret to Defining Customer Success Coverage Models

Customer Success is not Account Management. This means using traditional Account Management ideas will either limit your (and your customer’s) success… or will cause you your Customer Success initiative to fail miserably. The traditional method of simply looking at what a customer pays us and giving them a particular level of ‘touch’ is old and […]

Lincoln Murphy Customer Success AMA Transcript and Video – May 5, 2017

On Friday May 5, 2017, I did a Customer Success Ask Me Anything (AMA) on Facebook live. It was awesome. The video is embedded below and while there seems to be an audio/video sync issue, the audio is crisp and listening to this will be time well-spent. If you don’t want to watch or listen, […]

The 5 Fatal Flaws of most Customer Journey Maps

Customer Journey maps are a favorite tool of Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Success Management (CSM) professionals around the world. Very often, they are elaborate, colorful maps – some look like movie storyboards or even children’s board games – that take the customer on a journey to nowhere. What journey are you mapping? If it’s […]

The Cost of Bad-Fit Customers: How a Simple Sales Mistake Wiped Out $1.2M in Revenue Overnight

Também disponível em Português por Superlógica Do you need to churn and burn customers to learn? A lot of people in startups think so. In fact, a lot of people in companies of all shapes and sizes think so. Think you need to churn and burn through thousands of customers before it starts to have […]

Customer Success Goals: Cohorts, Metrics, and Prioritization

Também disponível em Português por Conpass I asked the VP of Customer Success what her goal was for the Customer Success Management (CSM) organization, and she said, “to ensure customers achieve their Desired Outcome through their interactions with our company.” That’s the definition of Customer Success that I developed, so I obviously loved that answer […]

Contents of an Awesome Customer Success Playbook

Customer Success has been clearly defined and what goes into Customer Success Management has been fully documented. But when it comes to certain aspects of Customer Success Management, there are still a few things that remain a bit mysterious to some. A great example of that is the concept of the Customer Success Playbook, the sports […]

Understanding Customer Success Management Compensation Models

What’s the best Comp Model for Customer Success Managers (CSM)? How can I create a compensation model that drives the type of behavior we need? What percentage of CSM comp should be variable, and what impact should individual vs. org-level performance have on the variable piece of compensation? The more this comes up, the more […]

Determining the Number of Accounts per Customer Success Manager

This is otherwise known as, “How to Determine Customer Success Practitioner Coverage Ratios.” Initially, the question was “how many accounts should a Customer Success Manager (CSM) handle?” But people quickly realized that answers like “37 on the low end; 200 on the high end” weren’t actually helpful. Then, an ex-CEO-turned-VC with a strong content marketing […]

Customer Success-driven Growth: Rapid, Exponential, and Efficient

Doing whatever you can, spending whatever you can spend, to acquire any and all customers – whether they’re a good fit long-term or not – is played out. That’s not a valid growth strategy anymore (it never really was). Today, Investors, Boards, Executives, and Startup Founders are all looking for rapid, exponential, and efficient growth. […]

Why You Can’t Offset Churn with Upsells

If you lose $1 in revenue through churn – either because a customer cancels their subscription or decides to stay but pays you less because of discounts or downsells – you first need to replace that $1 before you can start to grow. Now, you can acquire those churn-offsetting revenue dollars in two ways: by […]

9 Things Customer Success is Not

The definition of Customer Success has been clearly laid out. What goes into Customer Success Management has been fully documented. But there’s still a chance that you have a misconception or misunderstanding about Customer Success that could keep you from fully embracing this potentially transformative concept. So I want to make sure any preconceived notions […]

Customer Success Management: An Executive Overview

Customer Success is when your customers achieve their Desired Outcome through their Interactions with your company. The actual process of moving customers toward their ever-evolving Desired Outcome is called Customer Success Management. It’s important to understand the difference between Customer Success and Customer Success Management; the former can be thought of as an Operating Philosophy, while […]

Customer Success Management: The 8 Elements of this Valuable Business Function

What actually is Customer Success Management? This article takes you through the 8 elements of this valuable business function.

Logical Customer Segmentation: The Key to Scaling Customer Success

Customers that pay more need more human interaction, right? Customers that pay less don’t deserve as much human interaction, right? Customers that we give more human interaction should pay more, right? Segmenting customers based on how much they pay us is one of those traps that a lot of Customer Success organizations fall into, mostly […]

Orchestrating Sales and Customer Success Alignment

If you aren’t familiar with the concept of Customer Success yet, it’s when your customers achieve their Desired Outcome (what they need to achieve, the way they need to achieve it) through their interactions with your company. Customer Success begins at the first interaction with prospects by your sales team, and continues across their entire […]

Success Potential: The Foundation of Customer Success

Também disponível em Português por Exact Sales Customer Success starts with acquiring customers that have Success Potential. Customers that have Success Potential are said to be good fit customers. This is the opposite of bad-fit customers that cannot get value from a relationship with us now or in the near future. If you knowingly allow […]

Excuses and the Myth of Near-Zero Churn

Churn is a drag on growth. Churn hurts company valuation. There is no good reason to have churn in your business. I did an “Ask Me Anything” on Slack as part of the build-up for my “Building an Engine of Growth” Workshop and Keynote at SaaStock 2016 in Dublin, Ireland and it was awesome… until […]

Success Vector – a Better Customer Health Score

Customer Success is a Growth Engine. Investing in Customer Success-driven Growth is an efficient way to drive revenue and company valuation, and we need a metric that is designed to measure that growth. Introducing, Success Vector. Customer Health Score, historically the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of Customer Success, is too much of a moment-in-time snapshot; […]

Don’t Mix SaaS Free Trial and Churn Metrics

Any metric that’s not acted on is a vanity metric, right? Sure, but that doesn’t cover every situation. Sometimes we measure things because we’re “supposed to” but honestly don’t know what to do once we have the result (add that to the list of things that are true but few people will admit publicly). It’s […]

SaaS Free Trial Conversion Rate Benchmarks

I’m frequently asked about SaaS Free Trial Conversion Rate Benchmarks; after being asked for the 97th time – this week – I decided to publish this post. First, a bit of a disclaimer. Benchmarks are neat… it’s cool to see how you stack up against other companies. Benchmarks are how some executives make decisions and […]

Churn is a Symptom, Not a Disease

Também disponível em Português por Mathias Luz Churn is when customers cancel their account, don’t renew their contract, or remain your customer but pay you less; the latter is referred to as “revenue churn” and includes discounts, down sells, etc. Now, many companies find out about Customer Success when searching for ways to reduce customer […]

7 Ways Customer Success drives Company Valuation

I’ve been saying for years that Customer Success is transformative; driving exponential value for both the vendor, as well as the customer. In fact, it’s that value growth for the customer that truly drives the value growth for the vendor. What goes around, comes around. And while the following is something I’ve shared with clients, […]

Customer Success: The Difference between Stretch and Bad-Fit Customers

What are the characteristics of a Bad-Fit Customer for your business? It’s great to know who your Ideal Customer is (my Ideal Customer Profile Framework is constantly updated), but it’s much easier – and I say required – to first identify the types of customers that are a bad fit and the characteristics that make […]

Two Ways to Reduce SaaS Cancellations

Fairy Tales have happy endings. That’s why they’re so popular; even if they include scary moments with monsters and evil blended family members, everything is pulled together nicely at the end when the naive protagonist is magically okay. In business, the same types of fairy tale exist, with one being that customers cancel their subscription […]

The Only Two Reasons Customers Churn

Churn is the antithesis of growth. When you lose a customer, in order to grow by one customer, you have to first replace that customer you lost, and then add a new customer. And when a customer leaves, they take the revenue they were paying you with them (often to a competitor!); but they also […]

You Have to Know why Your Customers Churn

When customers churn, that’s a problem. Even if their churn was “unavoidable” it still hurts. Churn hurts on several levels: from lowering revenue to hurting employee morale. And churn means something happened to the customer (out of business, acquired, etc.) or – and MUCH more likely – they didn’t achieve their Desired Outcome through their […]

Pricing Strategy Framework for SaaS Startups

Pricing doesn’t exist in a vacuum and is therefore not something you can tackle on its own. Pricing is a function of marketing and determines, among other things, your market position. It also indicates – or is ideally derived from – the type of customer you want to do business with. And of course in […]

Qualifying Leads in a SaaS Free Trial

I got this set of questions on Twitter: “Is there a certain level of activity during the free trial that is likely to predict conversion from free to paid? Also, how do other companies handle Sales vs. Marketing Qualified Leads (SQL vs. MQL) when it comes to Free Trials?” I thought that was an awesome […]

Customer Success and Logical Account Expansion

Customer Success is a powerful growth driver. Sure, in the early days when you’re putting out the fires of churn, Customer Success seems less like a growth driver and more like a stop shrinking driver. But once you move past churn busting – or if you avoid that altogether by being smart about customer acquisition […]

Reasonable SaaS Free Trial Conversion Rate

What’s a reasonable conversion rate from free trial to a paid customer? I get some form of this question from time to time and I’ve answered it several times over the years. Well, I got it again so it’s time to revisit this very simple question. As with most “simple questions” the question is easy to […]

Acceptable Churn Rate for Small Accounts

What drives a company to focus on Customer Success is changing. In the past, churn (or retention, depending upon how you look at things) was generally the catalyst. Once churn is under control, the catalyst changes to expansion; driving use, consumption, and revenue within existing accounts. And these days, startups are building Customer Success into […]

Success is Uncomfortable

I’ve talked before about holding customers accountable and how customer success isn’t about making customers happy. Sometimes you have to push customers out of their comfort zone and – if you’ll allow me to channel my inner Tony Robbins -progress is rarely made within our comfort zone That means moving toward success – whether for […]

The Risk (and Opportunity) in Stealing Customers

Picture it, São Paulo, Brazil, October 2015. After one of the sales and customer success workshops I did, a few of us went out for a snack – fried polenta sticks – and to talk shop… and the idea of Success Gaps came up. In particular, we talked about prospects that experienced Success Gaps with your competitor’s […]

A Foolproof Way to Get Testimonials Without Asking for Them

Personally, I’ve always found it difficult to ask for testimonials. It just doesn’t come naturally to me. In fact, one of the reasons I like doing calls on Clarity is that the platform closes the loop with the client for me, asking for a star rating and optional comments; to me, that part alone is […]

Success Milestones: The Path to the Customer’s Desired Outcome

I talk about Success Milestones all the time, not just in the context of Customer Success, but in the context of the overall success of my SaaS clients and the companies I work with. The concept of Success Milestones is a relatively simple one to grasp, but the power and the value of this way […]

Customer Accountability: The Missing Piece in your Customer Success Strategy

Customer Accountability is the Missing Piece in your Customer Success Strategy

This Customer Acquisition Mistake Can Kill your Growth

Também disponível em Português por Mathias Luz Can the customers you’re actively going after actually achieve success with your product or through their interactions with your company as things are today? If not, that’s a problem. The reasons they might not achieve success range from their readiness (they don’t have the necessary data or internal […]